Thursday, September 30, 2010


 I'm trying to design a great piece of beadwork of moose. All summer we had this family in the yard. Got to watch the twins romp, explore, play and grow. I really fell in love with these little guys, who, are not so little any more! So, feeling inspired I've put my creative juices to trying to do them justice, don't quite have it worked out yet but when I get the idea down I will be happy to start beading. I don't think people say enough about the design, start with a boring one, (even if you are a great beadworker) and the piece will be lacking. So take your time and get it the way you want. The beadwork will always take 20 times longer than your design process!


  1. I have always and forever loved moose. Living in Northern Indiana, I have never seen one. I don't know what it is about them but they facinate me. I can't resist picking up little moose animals when I see them. Love your pictures.

  2. Love this pic on the bottom left... I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  3. Oh my gosh!!! They are so sweet aren't they! I'm sure your design will be amazing!!

  4. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Love me some Moose!

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