Ever wonder what it would be liked to get audited? Well I'm about to find out. Opened the letter and was shocked, why me I'm such small potatoes? Should be interesting, the guy is coming to the gallery on the third of November, they want to see the books (3 years previous and the current ones). I'm pretty organized, but still I feel nervous, I'm not very happy to have to deal with authority figures. Anyone out there have any advice? As far as the beadworking goes I'm getting ready to start the sand, these are the colors I'm using. I guess after I mix them all together I'll apply the beads in a haphazard way and try to make it look like a beach. I'll post the progress in a few days and we will see how it's looking. Hope it's not muddled. Also, here's a shot of Crazy the cat getting in her winter mode. It's starting to get cold and she's finding all her sleeping spots, in this one she's cuddled up next to the bead box...