When I took on this project I knew it was going to be a lot of work. But now I'm back beading more sand. I really feel bored beading the small tan and grey beads on the rather large area because I just finished doing that. I know it has to be done for the sake of uniformity but it's no fun. I liked beading the seagulls because they were a challenge and the fish head was cool because I did it upraised, but now the drudgery of the sand has got me down. Nothing to do but force myself to stay at the table and do the work. I took a break and beaded this seagull feather and made it into a simple necklace on a silver chain. It looks good.

It's a new idea, so I don't
know how well they will sell. Any how, it was a fun distraction from the endless sand. Sigh...