Let's be honest, getting old is not for the faint of heart. I've just gotten home from a two week trip where I was helping my brother and sister with my 89 year old Dad. He had fallen and had broken his hip and he is not in good shape. Of all the the things that come with getting older, watching your parents ultimate decline is one of the hardest. Nothing you can do... As always with these family gatherings there was a lot of going through old photos and I snagged a few to share with you. These are of a young me, living in a ramshackle cabin in Haines Alaska and yes, doing beadwork. I see that I was beading on Smoked moose hide, red felt, and canvas. Looks like this was before I figured out the drawing on paper method and I was putting my design right on the canvas / felt / smoked moosehide. My little critters look so amateurish but still have a whimsy that is appealing. I suppose my point in all this rambling is that it's nice to know that getting old also has it's perks. The beadwork has matured to a place where I am challenged every day but I also seem to know what I'm doing. You have to be grateful for the good things...