Had a wonderful day in the gallery! I had two very interesting women come in. One of them bought my "Day of the Dead Tie". This is so great because it's been around awhile. You know, when you have a piece that you are working on, that you think is really cool and inventive but then no one else seems to get it. This was one of those pieces. I thought the skeletons were so graphic, and loved the way I put the raven skull at the top. Roses and a swirly night sky, what could be better! Well, the reception to this piece was
luke warm. So it doesn't sell and it doesn't sell, hence the name, family heirlooms. These are the pieces that become part of my permanent collection, until, the right person comes along and takes them off my hands. I was actually was quite fond of the tie, not true of all family heirlooms, but I'm very glad to have it out there in the world. The moral of the story is never let the fear of an unpopular subject matter stop you from trying something different. Bead for yourself and the world will follow, or not...