So, the end, or the new beginning or just as far as the Mayans went with their calendar. I have a feeling that I will be in the middle of a piece of beadwork when my time comes, I guess this would be an appropriate piece, (the owl is calling my name), but I'm a skeptic and I feel confident that I'll be sewing tomorrow. It is the winter solstice.The days are short and the clear night skies are filled with brilliant, sparkling cold stars. I think this piece I'm working on is fitting for just such an occasion. I've done a lot of cut glass black night skies, but this time I added more and more stars and some dark silver in places to get that milky way effect. For some reason this picture doesn't capture the look. There has been a lot of hemming and hawing over the color of the water in the background. It's penciled in as a gray silver blue but I may still use something darker to keep the night mood, the color choices are on the table. What do you think?
As far as working at the down stairs table, it's okay. I get to enjoy the Christmas tree and be in the middle of all the things going on. One small draw back, there is cat hair all over my bead stuff. Oh well, today I finish the ivy leaves...